Zebrar’s Saxon Dixon discusses the current Game Development landscape of SXSW October 2023
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Original Link: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7122371869835476994/

Having spent a lot of my time at #SXSW in the games demo sections, wandering around the maze of screens and banners, the first thing that struck me was the sheer quality bar that each game on display had set.Gone are the days when a handful of polished titles would dominate such events. Today, every booth I visited, every game I had the privilege to trial, showcased meticulous craftsmanship, innovative ideas, and storytelling prowess that left a lasting impression. It's impressive to witness this evolution and elevation of the medium. But, if I'm being honest, it's also a tad intimidating to see such quality on display.

Projects in all genres were on display with my favourites being "Wayward Strand" a narrative based game set on a airship filled with eccentric characters, with a surprising and immediate recognition of Micheal Caton as one of the voice actors in the stellar cast. Or "Small Town Emo" if only for the experience of holding a gameboy again.What brought a sense of pride and admiration was seeing our very own Australian developers stepping up to the plate with the usual quiet aplomb. The misconception has always been that colossal budgets and expansive teams are the keys to creating gaming masterpieces. But as I saw firsthand, our homegrown talent debunked this myth, proving that passion, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence can rival even the most opulent setups.

The gaming industry, as I've known and loved it, is undergoing a monumental transformation. The landscape, now more than ever, is brimming with diverse talents, each with their unique voice and vision.While the growing pool of amazing projects can seem slightly unnerving for someone in my position, it's also a testament to the growth, potential, and future of the gaming industry. The future of gaming looks promising, diverse, and incredibly competitive.

And as someone who has dedicated a big portion of their life to this medium, all I can say is - bring it on
